03 Januari, 2010

We Created Our Own Fun : Dina

there is a small flying fox on Shawn's garden. It was his holiday project actually.. But it works !!!!
so we had sooo much fun.. :) :)

preparing the rope, etc..

off we goooooooooooo


waiting for my turn, while abigail and shawn were fighting for their turns..

2 komentar:

  1. hati-hati bisa "nyungsrep" din. Pie kabare? Mampir-mampir di blogku ya din di: catatan-dari-timur.blogspot.com.

    eh rubah terbangnya...talinya pake tali jemuran. Katrolnya pake katrol timbaan sumur:)

  2. join in yuuuuuuk kata loretta
